Thursday, December 23, 2010


Over the past 18 months as I have learned more about Obama’s pledge to “fundamentally transform America” I have come to understand the he means that the federal government should play a larger roll in our daily lives.

Some people envision a democratic socialism similar to the European style of government. They see a central planning type government like the old Soviet Union on one end and an open market like the US on the other end with Europe as a happy compromise. Recent events in Europe have dampened their enthusiasm but for some the move away from capitalism is so desirous that they tend to play down the difficulties in countries like Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy. They see it as a temporary set back. Others see Europe as a preview of what we are headed for and want to limit government intervention.

Every one agrees that we must reduce spending but until we all agree to reduce our personal benefits no elected official will risk cutting. It is very difficult to reduce or remove a benefit once it is given and those who were in such a hurry to pass health care know that very well.

I, for one, am willing to forego any additional increases in social security and I am willing to reduce Medicare benefits to myself as I get older. Yes that means death panels. I am comfortable with using quality of life as my standard for living as opposed to number of years. I am aware that 30% of all Medicare expenses occur in the last year of life and that will be 150 billion for this year. I know too many people who were kept alive even though they were not living and I hope I have the courage to face that fact if need be. Notice that I said I hope.

These cuts will be much easier to swallow if every one is cognizant of the fact that each of us pays for these benefits either directly or directly. We must get away from the thinking that the government is doing this for us at no charge. If you are 90 years old and you demand a heart transplant be aware that your Grand children will pay for it.


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