Friday, March 29, 2013


I have friends who never watch political news as they say it is too depressing. I often feel the same way but I keep watching. Why I continue this masochistic behavior is a subject for another time. The latest thing that drives me nuts is the discussion about nuclear weapons in Iran. During WW 11 the project to developed enriched uranium took four years and the US had their bomb. Iran has been working for 20 years trying to enrich uranium using modern technology and modern equipment and they have yet to make enough uranium to make one bomb. I never hear anyone question why it is taking so long. I believe that they are using the threat of the bomb to keep the price of oil up. As long as they act in a belligerent manner it creates unrest in the Middle East. It is the same strategy used by Sadam Hussein to keep his oil for food program going while he used the profits to build up his military. He kept saying he was not making WMD but acted in a suspicious manner to keep everyone guessing.

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