Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Two items in the news caught my attention as they both indicate the ignorance of some of our elected officials. The first was here in Minnesota where slot machines were introduced for charitable gambling to bring in money to help pay for the new Vikings Stadium. The projected income for 2013 was initially 30 million but recent results show it will be closer to one million. Upon investigating how such a large discrepancy could exist it was discovered that the projections were made by the people who sold the slots. The next was a US congresswoman who was supposed to be writing legislation on gun control suggested that they limit the number of magazines that could be purchased stating that when the magazine was empty it had to be discarded and thus would indirectly limit the number of bullets. When it was pointed out to her that you can refill magazines her assistant followed up the next day saying she meant clips not magazines not realizing that clips can also be refilled. I am not surprised that a liberal woman does not understand about guns but this lady is responsible for writing new gun laws. I am not trying to put anyone down here as I know that mistakes are made by all of us but I wanted to point out that just because people are in charge of some situation does not mean they are experts. Too often we feel that if the government is proposing something that they must have studied it and that is not always the case. I think we would be wise to use the Reagan adage of trust but verify.

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