Sunday, August 4, 2013

Black crime

The recent discussion about black crime in America, is centered around two main reasons. The first says it is poverty and lack of jobs that leads to crime. The second says that the breakdown of the black family is the cause. The argument for the second reason, centers around historical data. In the 1930’s the number of blacks in prison hovered around 25%. This was a time when black poverty was higher than today and the number of blacks in school was lower than today. Today the number of blacks in prison is over 35%. The disintegration of the black family can be traced to the birth of the Great Society in 1965. Up until that time, single moms were left to their own devises to survive but that all changed when the government stepped in to provide benefits, that had always been the responsibility of the father. In the beginning the government replaced dead beat dads but it wasn’t long before single women figured out that they could get an apartment, with food stamps and health care just by having a baby. The black community was hit the hardest and over time the number of single black moms increased from 25% to 75% and the family unit was shattered. The black males saw their contribution to the family replaced with government programs and they felt useless. Out of anger and spite they began to “dis” their women and that was the model that little boys saw growing up in homes without dads. With no dad about these boys never learned to respect authority and this carried over to teachers, coaches and law officers. Increasing crime fueled by drugs resulted in increased incarceration rates. This is still going on today and many black leaders refuse to face this. They still believe that more programs will solve the problem. There are many studies showing that the way out of poverty for young black women is to stay in school and not have children until they marry. There are also many studies that say young black girls have babies to escape poverty. Some have children because they need someone to love and some have children to get away from their mothers. Regardless of the reason they chose to have a baby, the fact remains that they are in for a tough life.

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