Thursday, January 23, 2014


The discussions about class warfare center around income disparities and that can be misleading. In order to simplify things and remove any hint of prejudice, just consider white middle income and upper middle income groups. While the divide in income is important there is another aspect that is even more important and that has to do with the slowly developing difference in what in Europe is a class system. The one group consist of high school graduates who perform jobs that pay a get by salary and offer very little chance of promotion. After a period of training they do not feel challenged by their work and think of their jobs as just a way to make the money they need for other activities. The feeling of accomplishment for this group comes from activities away from the job such as family and hobbies. While there are always exceptions, the children of this group see a different kind of home life, in that the parents are not oriented toward arts and science and formal education. In a world where technology is playing a more important role than ever before, this kind of social group will lag further behind. The second group are those who have finished college and higher and work at jobs they where they are challenged and where their work adds to their self-worth. They have ample opportunities for promotion and often times are seen as having a prestigious position by the community. They look forward to going to work and they get a lot of satisfaction from their work. They live in areas away from the other class and their children are exposed early in life to arts and science and education is a high priority. Their children see work as a way to gain acceptance and grow and development additional skills. As these differences are passed from one generation to another the class distinctions will continue to widen and this is a concern.

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