Sunday, March 9, 2014


Senator Cruse is in the news again and this concerns me. Based on his past performance, I believe he is willing to mislead to promote himself. Case in point. He took a belief that many conservatives hold dear and used it to gain attention for himself. Recall that he filibustered in the senate to demand that the government defund Obamacare and if they didn’t he would shut down the government. He said the senate could vote to defund Obamacare and he was correct but this is how all misleading stories go. They start with a truth and then distort. With 46 Republicans in the senate all voting to defund Obamacare many thought that only 4 Democrats could swing the vote. Others thought that perhaps a super majority of 60 votes were needed and they assumed that by some miracle that could be accomplished. But what was rarely brought up was the fact that The President would veto any vote and to override a veto requires 66 votes and no one believed that was possible. The Senator was well aware of the votes needed to override a presidential veto but he kept right on acting like his speech was going to persuade democrats to turn on their president. The result was that the Republicans took a hit for shutting down the government and Cruz accomplished nothing but to get his name in lights. We already have too many politicians who put their own careers ahead of what is best for the country and we don’t need another one.

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