Thursday, April 2, 2015

Iran agreement

In the early 80’s North Korea built a small (5 megawatt) reactor capable of producing plutonium. In 1985 they joined the nuclear proliferation treaty agreeing not to produce nuclear weapons. They agreed to inspections by the IAEA in 18 months but then extended that another 18 months and then they missed that deadline. This attempt at inspections continued until 1993 when North Korea announced they were withdrawing from the nuclear proliferation treaty. Under pressure North Korea agreed to inspections but kept putting it off and in 1994 the IAEA said they would no longer be responsible for inspections. At this time with permission from President Clinton, former President Jimmy Carter went to North Korea. Carter announced that North Korea would be willing to freeze its nuke program and would allow for inspections. They agreed to close their 5 meg reactor and to accept 500,000 tons of fuel oil. While all of this was going on North Korea was using spent reactor rods to process plutonium and in 2009 the announced they had a nuclear bomb and conducted its first test. Second and third test were conducted in 2009 and 2013. This all sounds eerily familiar. The US has just concluded what appears to be a decent agreement with Iran over their nukes but will they work behind the scenes to develop a bomb. We will see.

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