Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Pope’s entrance into the morass of climate change is welcome but he left out some important facts. Over the past 100 plus years the use of fossil fuel has helped improve the standard of living of people around the world most especially the poor. The culmination of the industrial revolution brought with it advancements science and technology which have helped more people than all the charities and governments combined. In the past 50 years the production of food has grown faster than the population. When I was young farmers got 60 bushels per acre of corn and today they get 200 bushels. Chicken used to be a meal for the well-off but today everyone eats it. Last year the US exported 120 billion dollars in food products. By BILL AND MELINDA GATES Jan. 17, 2014 7:50 p.m. ET By almost any measure, the world is better off now than it has ever been before. Extreme poverty has been cut in half over the past 25 years, child mortality is plunging, and many countries that had long relied on foreign aid are now self-sufficient. Everyone who studies the problem of climate change understands that the increase in carbon dioxide is a problem but those who look deeper realize that the answer is methane hydrate. If you are not familiar with this product look it up and you will discover that it is the answer to climate change. I don’t think anyone mentioned this to the Pope.

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