Tuesday, May 3, 2016

White vote

The experts say that Trump has to get 35% of the Hispanic vote to win. They base this on Bush getting 40%, McCain getting 32% and Romney getting 27%. There are 25 million eligible Hispanic voters so if Trump gets 20% he will be 3.75 million votes short. On the other hand there are 152 million eligible white voters and 60 million of them did not vote last time around. If Trump gets 7% of them to vote he will offset the Hispanic vote. Trump spent the past 6 months saying ridiculous things in order to get media attention and it worked. Now he will spend the next 6 months saying things that are designed to contrast himself with Clinton. Soon all the hurt feelings from other Republicans will subside and slowly the never Trump people will come around. Then the final tally will depend on the difference between the Hispanic vote and the white voters who normally stay home.

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