Wednesday, June 21, 2017


On Morning Joe today while discussing yesterday’s congressional elections they pointed out that most people are interested in economic issues and not in the Russian investigation and this is why they voted the way they did. They were dismayed with the results but it seems they do not realize that it is the national press that is obsessed with Russian and that they themselves are out of touch with the voters. Right now health care reform is indirectly an economic issue for many people but the Republican plan is overshadowed by the Russian affair. It is so tempting for talking heads to discuss collusion, obstruction of justice and conflict of interest that they leave no room for economic issues. Perhaps Trump has given them enough rope and they are taking the bait. We will see if the news shifts from trying to discredit Trump to talking about issues that people see as important. MSNBC and CNN will stay on Russia because their ratings are up significantly and they like going after Trump. The question then becomes will the major networks move to economic issues or will they too remain on Russian tampering? Even when democrats attempt to talk about the economy they often confuse economic growth with economic fairness. One Democratic Senator said today that people think that economic fairness means taking from Peter to pay Paul. The reason they think that way is that it is what democrats do when the conflict equal opportunity with equal results.

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