Saturday, July 22, 2017


It’s time for a trip down memory lane and return to 1994 when Attorney General Janet Reno appointed special prosecutor Robert Fisk to investigate Whitewater. Recall that the Clintons were connected to a failed real estate development called Whitewater. While several people were convicted of various crimes and served time the Clintons were exonerated. When Fisk rapped up his investigation in six months the Republicans were not satisfied and a second prosecutor Ken Starr was appointed to continue the investigation. It was then that a woman named Linda Tripp said she had taped conversations between President Clinton and a White House employee called Monica Lewinski. This led to additional women coming forth and finally the House voting to impeach the President. During the investigation it was revealed that two important Republicans, Henry Hyde and Robert Livingston were found to have had affairs and their careers ended. All of this activity led to the phrase, “politics of personal destruction” which is now part of the vernacular. It also revealed a lot of unscrupulous activity by the Clintons and led to the general feeling that the Clintons felt they were above the law. This idea continued to haunt Mrs. Clinton throughout the rest of her time in Washington. The investigation which began in 1994 didn’t end until Clinton left office and many say was responsible for Gore’s loss to Bush in the 2000 election. Knowing this we can expect the current special prosecutor to unearth a lot of material unrelated to the original interest in the Russia connection to the election. It will likely move to Trumps personal business dealings and that could lead to many New York business people including Trump being found guilty of unseemly activity which at best would be unscrupulous and at worst illegal.

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