Thursday, July 22, 2010


On the news today a man from Arizona was pointing out that illegal aliens are treated like slaves in that they are asked to work long hours, under adverse conditions for below minimum wage pay.

This caused me to review the past forty years since the start of the Great Society. Over these years we find in the inner cities of most metro areas, pockets of slaves. We have 75% of children born out of wedlock, dead beat dads abound, 25% high school graduation rates, whole neighborhoods of welfare recipients, high crime, illegal drugs, and black on black murders. This economic slavery is the result of good intentions by government and has produced millions of people who can no longer care for themselves and must rely on the good graces of government to survive.

This is the result of elected officials and other leaders in the black community using their power and influence to keep these people living in distressful conditions by promising more benefits. After pursuing this course for the past 45 years and looking at the end results you would think that those responsible would feel just a little uncomfortable, but maybe that is asking too much

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