Thursday, July 29, 2010

talk shows

I often hear people question why conservative shows have more appeal than liberal shows and I believe I have an answer or at least a plausible opinion. If you want to talk for several hours about a subject it has to be something that you can be completely honest about. If you are a conservative you believe in the individual’s ability to succeed but if you are a liberal you feel that many people need the help of government to be successful and there in lies the problem. As a liberal you are convinced that because of past real or perceived mistreatment many people need to have a leg up from the government in order to level the playing field but you cannot let them know you feel that way. If you don’t handle this carefully you come across as telling people they cannot take care of themselves and they don’t believe that and don’t want to hear that. They think they are perfectly capable of caring for themselves but they have been victimized by society which leads you as a liberal to confirm their status as victims. You must convey the message to them that their lack of success is not because they are not capable but because of circumstances beyond their control. I maintain that you can do this in a normal conversation but if you have to talk for one, two or three hours your true feelings will slip though and while your audience will not turn you off in anger they will just drift away from you because the true message will come through and they do not want to hear it.

While we all live in the same environment the news is replete with examples of individuals who have faced adversity and won. I don’t need to list names as everyone can think of Horatio Alger stories. I personally know at least a dozen people who succeeded against tremendous odds.


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