Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Inner city

Recently I wrote about the Minnesota law stating that the math requirement for graduation is that you either pass the test or you flunk it three times and this got me to thinking about the mess that the inner city schools are in. I realize it was just one more example of the results of government helping out. Back in the 60’s when the government stepped in to aid single moms they set up a situation where any girl who got pregnant could have her own place to live with all expenses paid and today we have 75% of black children born into families with no father around. With no fathers around to teach respect for authority these kids grow up with crime and drugs as the norm. The discipline problems in school add to the already dismal results that show that many of those who graduate read and write at a sixth grade level. Many “problem kids” are passed along each year and end up illiterate. Blacks are 12% of the general population and 36% of the prison population. There are more black men in prison than black men in college.
The latest boondoggle foisted upon these same people was the concept that everyone should qualify for the American dream of home ownership and the result was all those who supposedly were helped to purchase homes are now forced into bankruptcy.
We now have three generations of people who have grown up living on public assistance and they have become so dependent on government that they no longer can care for themselves. The primary responsibility of a parent is to raise children who can go out in the world and care for themselves and many children have not been afforded this opportunity. During Hurricane Katrina many people living in New Orleans did not have cars and were told to wait for buses to take them to the Super Dome. Some of these people were elderly, some quite young and others were disabled but the majority were able bodied citizens who could easily walk the three miles to the Dome but did not do so. They had been trained over the years to follow the government so they no longer had the personal initiative to act on their own. This same lack of initiative is what keeps them from improving their life styles. In the past I would make excuses for this lack of initiative but after witnessing the many who have risen above their humble beginnings to become productive citizens, I can see now that the choice is theirs. Under the guise of helping the government is promoting dependence. Why they would do this I can only offer an opinion and that is they want a permanent underclass to secure votes. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they believe they are helping but that does not help to solve the problem.

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