Monday, January 16, 2012


I grew up in the Midwest where all the cities were segregated. The blacks lived in one part of town and went to school in that part so under normal circumstances I wouldn’t even know any black people. As it happens my dad was a milkman and his route was in the black neighborhoods and I often went on his route with him and got to know many of the black owners of grocery stores where he delivered milk. I sometimes would go with my dad on Fridays and after he finished we would shop for groceries at one of these stores. He felt this was good for business. As far as I could tell my Dad had no prejudice against blacks or for that matter any other group. Because of this, I personally never felt any prejudice and I am fairly sure my children were the same.
I bring this up because I want to voice my opinion on the current world situation regarding Muslims. While I understand that the vast majority of the 1.2 billion Muslims in the world are not terrorist, I have some concern about their way of looking at the world. I believe there is a significant difference between American Muslims and many of those in the rest of the world and in particular those in the Middle East.
As I look around the world I see Muslims fighting Christians in the Philippians, fighting Chechens in Russia, blowing up buildings in Moscow, fighting Hindus in India, brown Muslims fighting black Muslims in Africa, Sunis and Shia killing each other in Iraq, rioting in England and France, fighting Buddhist in Thailand, killing Jews in Israel and killing Americans on 9-11.
I read where women are treated as second class citizens from not being able to vote to things like stoning and honor killings. Sharia Law permits four wives and they can be divorced by the husband declaring verbally his intention to divorce and the children after age 7 belong to the husband. Many of the Muslim countries have no tolerance for other religions from not allowing Christian Churches in Saudi Arabia on to killing Coptic Christians in Egypt.
What I have described thus far is not what we call Muslim extremist or terrorist. This much smaller group are the people who blow themselves up in order to kill others mostly innocent civilians. In Afghanistan and Iraq when we kill civilians it is by accident and we apologize, but the Muslims extremist kill civilians on purpose and boast about it.
Everyone understands that what children are taught can determine the kind of society that evolves. High School text books in Saudi Arabia teach children how to cut off the hands of thieves and that Jews must be exterminated along with many other despicable ideas. Many of these schools are maintained by believers in Wahhabism, a sect of Islam that has access to oil money and promotes schools throughout the Muslim world.
While I would like to maintain the open minded view of Islam that I have, it is getting more difficult to excuse the actions of the few when it seems to be spreading. I sometimes get the impression that we are condoning unacceptable behavior or at least not talking about it in the name of political correctness.

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