Monday, January 16, 2012

red and blue states

When President Obama took office there were only 41 Republicans in the senate and there were 79 more Democrats in the house so he had a large majority in both parties. During his campaign he promised there would be no more Red and Blue America, and he would bring both parties together. The first thing he did was to turn over the health care problem to the congress and they proceeded to go into private negotiations and finally came out with a bill that no Republicans voted for and 34 Democrats opposed. Thus set the stage for the future. Next came the financial reform bill and Obama sent that to the congress. Senator Dodd head of the banking committee broke the problem down into parts and assigned one Democrat and one Republican to each part and asked them to come up with a bi-partisan solution. When President Obama heard about this he ordered Dodd to dispense with that and come up with a democratic solution.
Next came the stimulus bill and it passed the senate with three Republicans and in the house no Republicans.
Most recently the President came up with a jobs bill and immediately when to the public and demanded that the congress pass this bill. There was to be no changes, no negotiation just pass it.
Now he is on the campaign stump saying that he tried to bring the parties together but the Republicans are the party of no.
I think he has failed to understand that he no longer has a majority in the house and can no longer demand results like he did with the health care, banking and stimulus. The strategy of class warfare may be politically effective but it certainly doesn’t engender cooperation.

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