Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The foundation of Christianity is the belief that Jesus is both God and man and I firmly believe that but I would go further. I believe that human beings are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and the first three of these are the human part but the forth is divine. This is blasphemous to many and so one might ask how it is that I came to this conclusion. It was the inevitable result of the meeting of two of my favorite subjects. The first is the psychology proposed by Carl Jung and the second is the strange concepts embodied in the study of particle physics. Jung believed like most of his contemporaries that we have a conscious mind and a sub-conscious mind but he added a third area which he named the collective unconscious. While the first two are personal to each of us the third is a group thing where all of our minds come together. Because it involves the spiritual it is not easily understood using worldly words and ideas so Jung created something he call arch-types. These are represented in the folklore that have survived the test of time. Stories that involve fairy tales blended in with real life to illustrate the mystical side of human behavior and then swallowed up in mythology. The story of Hansel and Gretel gives an insight to this spiritual side of human nature. The purpose of the tale could be the rather mundane instructions regarding forest safety or secondarily a cautionary note about the dangers of famine to large families, but its hidden meaning may evoke a strong emotional response due to the widely understood themes and motifs such as “The Terrible Mother”, “Death” and “Atonement with the Father”. The point I learned from Jung is that we do not have the vocabulary needed to deal with the spiritual side so we resort to stories that have a child like quality. From particle physics I learned that we cannot understand the subject even when we have the vocabulary. Concepts like the same thing being in two or more places at the same time confound our logical minds. The idea that cause and effect can become effect followed by cause make no sense to us. If I try to describe God in one word I say God is love. God used a part of this love to create my immortal soul and that is the part of me called the spiritual side. When I die, this side will return to its source. My spiritual side came from God and returns to God and from that I conclude it remains as God during my life. I am not equal to God when I am burdened with my human side but once free from that I return to be a part of God. It is not my purpose to convince anyone to think as I do but rather just to offer my opinion on a most complicated subject. I hope that this will encourage others to delve into their beliefs about the spiritual side of our nature.

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