Tuesday, February 12, 2013


When I was going through midlife, I had a number of interesting experiences. I joined a men’s group and we met every Sunday night from 7 PM to 9 PM for four years and I believe I only missed one meeting. I had a series of three reoccurring dreams which in later years I understood and helped me prepare for the second half of life. One of the strangest things was a sudden interest I developed in particle physics and that led to a number of new discoveries about my inner self. Midlife for men is a time when we reconnect with our inner self which we have put on the back burner while we develop a strong ego that can go out into the world and compete. I was trained in the sciences and this leads to logic and reason and these two things are often not compatible with the intuition of the soul. As I tried to combine the assets of my heart with my head, I ran into some difficulties and one of the things that helped me cross the barrier was particle physics. The reason for this is while physics is hard science, quantum physics borders on the mystical. Quantum mechanics does not follow the rules as laid out in regular physics. It presents us with situations that the human brain in its present stage of development cannot comprehend. The rules can be proven experimentally but they cannot be understood even by the most advanced physicist, much like many things in the world of the spirit. As I look back on those transition years I am thankful for the pathways that I was presented with, that carried me through the fog and into the light. There is a certain peace and contentment that comes with the recombining of thinking and feeling. One of the best and most practical results is my decision to be more interested in developing relationships and less interested in being right. In retrospect I can see that being right was merely the folly of arrogance and filled with self-deception and getting past that was a reward in itself. Happy New Year to everyone. PS. I know to most of you women out there that this is all just common sense but remember you gals are much more complex than we men.

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