Wednesday, June 5, 2013

power grab by congress

It is well known amongst most people that one of the strengths in the constitution is what is referred to as the balance of power between the three branches of government. There have been many battles over the years especially between the legislative and executive. Presidents have routinely tried to grab more power and congress has denied them the opportunity and a recent event has raised questions because of the history of these battles. With the sequester the President stated it was not good policy to make blanket cuts across all areas and that it makes more sense to make specific designated cuts and most agree with that. The President said he did not have the power so congress passed a bill allowing him to have this power but he threatened to veto the bill. Republicans say he gave up the option for more presidential power because he did not want to be responsible for the cuts. In addition they say that he wanted the cuts to go toward things like air traffic controllers instead of cuts in grant monies to show the public how irresponsible it was for congress to make these across the board cuts. The President says congress is responsible for spending and he warned everyone that these indiscriminant cuts would cause severe problems. Once again politicians from both sides have put making the other side look bad ahead of the public need and once again we the public sit idly by because most of us are not directly affected by air travel problems.

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