Sunday, September 29, 2013


Health care in America is at a crossroads and the big problem is the rising cost. My preferred solutions is to get rid of the third party payer but that means the elimination of 10 million jobs in the insurance industry and the vested interest are so well entrenched that this will not happen. The second alternative is Obama care or something similar and with all the talk about the cost one might well ask, how this could possible help but the answer is to look further down the road. The initial cost will grow but as the plan is fully implemented the cost will decline. It is well known that 75% of the cost of healthcare occurs in the last two years of life and this is where Obamacare will save money. There will be a committee set up in Washington to decide on what type of care will be provided and the key to savings is in rationing. They will start with the less provocative cases and move forward. For example they might decide that a ninety year old man with a bad heart does not qualify for a liver transplant and then work toward more controversial cases. The reason we find ourselves in this predicament is that science and technology have out-paced our ability to pay. The country cannot afford to offer everyone every possible treatment so rationing, the so called, “death panels”, is the only alternative. The very wealthy using their own resources will buy what the rest of us will do without. This is not a new idea since our legal system has been operating this way forever. If you can afford, “The Dream Team”, that OJ Simpson had, your chances of success are much greater than some poor inner-city kid who robbed a convenience store.

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