Thursday, September 5, 2013

Syria 09-05-13

Here is my latest view on Syria. As things stand now there are two separate groups trying to dislodge Assad from power. There is the Free Syrian Army described as non-sectarian and made up of Syrian citizens who are fed up with the dictator and a group of Muslim extremist headed by al-Qaida types. Conventional wisdom says that Assad will eventually fall and as he goes down he will resort to using WMD and when he is finished the country will dissolve into chaos. At this time the WMD stored at various places around the country will fall into the hands of which ever group gets there first. Which group that eventually takes control, might well depend on the action that the US takes at this time. If we back the Free Army they will likely gain control. My proposal for US action is based on the above scenario and involves the use of air intervention and supplying the Free Syrian Army with anti-tank weapons along with other military equipment. The air intervention will mean a no-fly zone and all Syrian planes will be shot down similar to what happened in Libya. The Free Army will agree to turn over all WMD sites to the US when Assad falls and we will go in and gather up these WMD. We will then assist the Free Army in their plan to set up a non-sectarian government (meaning it will not be based on Sharia Law but on more western principals). Our initial move against Assad should be swift and powerful to minimize the time he will have to use WMD. This means a large missile strike followed up with the air blockade. It is better to do nothing than the Presidents idea of a pin prick attack using tomahawk missiles.

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