Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Yes sir, no sir

Of all the news in the Ferguson, MO case surrounding the killing of a black teen, two only slightly reported items caught my attention. The first was the arrest of two reporters in McDonalds. The reporter was asked by the police to show his credentials and he refused and was arrested. The second was when the teen was asked by police to move out of the road and he said he only had a short way to go. I was riding my bike home from work one night in Naples, FL and it was raining hard and the police pulled me over and asked for my ID. I showed it and they went on their way. It has always been my way that when an officer stops me for any reason, I answer their questions and always say yes sir, no sir. I have never felt I was stopped for the wrong reason or treated in the wrong way but if that had happened, I would have responded as always with yes sir no sir. Later I would have taken my case up with the police department and more if necessary but I am wise enough to know not to argue with the officer at the time of incident. Here is a bit of advice. If an officer ever comes up to you and asks, is anything wrong here, do not answer by asking him if there is anything wrong with him. That may seem obvious to you but apparently there are people who do not understand this simple concept.

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