Friday, February 6, 2015

College education

Governor Walker of our neighboring state of Wisconsin is coming under fire because he is cutting the University system budget by 13%. I don’t know how the universities will handle this but I do know that there are many courses on campus that are a waste of time and money for both the student and the college. Just google,” ridiculous college courses and/or majors” and you will get a sampling of what I mean. There are good arguments to be made to eliminate the general education courses and allow students to concentrate on their major. If they don’t know their major maybe they should work for a while and figure out what they want to do with their lives. Many students drop out before graduating and some say the reason is that they should not have gone to college in the first place. This idea that everyone should go to college right after high school combined with the availability of student loans has many in school who might be better off at work. This cut in funding may lead to evaluating the purpose of a university education.

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