Sunday, February 15, 2015

Muslim culture

Defenders of Islam assert that the beheadings do not represent their religion and most in the West agree but looking at the normal behavior in Muslim countries reveals many practices which seem to treat women as second class citizens. Islamic laws and cultural customs impact various stages of a Muslim women's life, including her education, employment opportunities, rights to inheritance, female circumcision, dress, age of marriage, freedom to consent to marriage, marriage contract, mahr, permissibility of birth control, divorce, sex outside or before marriage, her ability to receive justice in case of sex crimes, property rights independent of her husband, and when salat(prayers) are mandatory for her.[4][5][6] Polygyny is allowed to men under Islam, but not widespread; in some Islamic countries, such as Iran, a woman's husband may enter into temporary marriages in addition to permanent marriage.[7][8] Islam forbids Muslim women from marrying a non-Muslim. These are some of the things that are called to attention when observing Muslim countries. Talking about the extremist just diverts attention away from what happens in everyday activities. Even something as basic as allowing a man to have four wives calls into question the concept of equal rights. It is time to shine the light of modernity on these cultural activities and not be blinded by excesses.

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