Sunday, November 1, 2015

Old ways, new ways

I believe that the American people have outgrown their politics. The young people coming up, especially the millennials, have moved on but the main stream politicians are still caught up in their old ways. The Republicans are still dealing with cultural changes like gay marriage, race and abortion while the Democrats are struggling with free trade, guns and stagnant wages. Young people are fed up with leaders who put party above country and the established politicians don’t know any other way. Young people see the arguing in Washington as childish and the people in charge want to point out the mistakes of the other party. Young people want the government to stay out of their business and the government thinks these people need their guidance and protection. Young people can’t believe the mess that things are in and all the result of good intentions by well-meaning people who like generals are still fighting the last war. They know their college debt is a result of government provided financial aid and they know that social security is not realistic and they know the jobs of the future are not like those of the past but the leaders in Washington haven’t figured that out. The country is in a transition stage and it will take a few more years for the leadership to figure out how to deal with the new ways.

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