Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Politicians love gridlock

Politicians love gridlock. This furthers the conflict between voters on both sides but alienates those undecideds. When the two parties are at war the faithful are used as pawns. There are two approaches. The first is the teen defense where all they have to do is show that the other side did it and then it is OK. The second is to blame the other side. This is why a candidate like Hilary Clinton can be the front runner when polls show she is considered dishonest and untrustworthy and the one word used best to describe her is “liar”. This is why no matter how absurd Donald Trump’s statements become, his followers stick with him. This is why those who voted for President Obama continue to side with him regardless of his many foreign policy misjudgments. People’s loyalty to their side is so strong that they can no longer use good judgment. When backed into a corner with evidence, they, using the current vernacular, “double down”. In business, a good manager is more than willing to change his mind when new evidence is presented but in politics the press will portray that as flip-flopping and so politicians spin every change as no change and expect their followers to line up behind them but there are signs that the people have caught on and are now turning their ire toward Washington. It could be that the masses will no longer be tricked by their own unwillingness to change and move into the ranks of the undecided.

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