Friday, April 1, 2016


Pogo the famous comic strip philosopher from times past said when talking about the federal government, “we have met the enemy and they is us”. The latest advice that the experts are giving to Donald Trump illustrates this. They say he must stop speaking off the cuff, stop tweeting, stop having town meetings and stop giving interviews. He must start listening to experts, writing out talking points and using the teleprompter to deliver his message. In other words he must become more like a regular politician. He must start feeding the Pablum to the great uninformed masses so that we can be led down the familiar path and keep those in power happy. Most people that follow the issues appreciate the fact that Trump says he will change the system but most also understand that one man cannot do this. We already see the powers coalescing around the stop Trump movement and this is evident in the amount of money spent against him, the various Republican Icons endorsing others and the super delegates. The same thing is happening with the Democrats as the DNC changes the debate structure to suit Clinton and the super delegates line up behind her. The little people on both sides are fired up but will they be enough to overcome the establishment?

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