Friday, April 22, 2016


As it looks more and more like a Clinton/Trump campaign the differences between the two become more and more stark. On policy Clinton has been pushed much further to the left by Sanders than she is comfortable with and Trump is a super liberal Republican which means that between the two of them the country will move left. This bodes well for Trump in the general. On a more personal note Trump is looking stronger than Clinton. He is a bombastic egotistical loud mouth but will change after he is assured of the nomination. Those who say a person cannot change and get away with it fail to understand that Trump has already done that since the Trump we have seen up to this time is not the real Trump. He will be like the guy who nobody likes who suddenly starts to look good by just saying a few nice things. With Clinton we have a dishonest, untrustworthy liar that will be buoyed up by demographics. The whole election will rest on turnout and this begs the question, will minorities be so turned off by her lack of openness that they will stay home and/or will Trump turn them on. Will Sanders young voters transfer to Clinton or will they get turned off and just stay home.

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