Wednesday, February 7, 2018


News people today are saying that the giant tech companies are the new robber barons because companies like Amazon, Facebook and Google have monopoly control. Of particular concern they say is Facebook since polls show that 45% of Americans get their news from Facebook. They contend that Facebook can tweak the news and slant stories in a particular direction and this they say is dangerous. In the early years of the last century and up until the middle of the century people got their news from newspapers. Each day hundreds of stories would come across the AP and UP wires and local newspapers would select those stories that they felt were most important and print those. Then later when TV came along and people started getting their news that way, the three major networks had a monopoly and they selected stories from the New York Times and aired those. Now today we have social media and people are getting their news that way. The point is that the news we see has always been filtered before we see it and throughout history or at least the last 100 years most of this news has been center left. The one new thing is talk radio which tends to be more to the right. Technically only the government can censor but news companies have been selecting what we see and hear for many years and this is type of censorship.

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