Sunday, February 25, 2018


Late term abortions are those that take place after 20 weeks or halfway through the gestation period. Of the 1 million legal abortions that occur each year only 1.3% are late term but this is still 13,000 per year. Last year there were 17,000 murders and 8,000 of those were blacks and 90% of those were killed by other blacks. There were 44,000 suicides in the US and more than 90% of suicide victims are later diagnosed as mentally ill. Murders like all major crimes have been declining for the past 25 years and the abortion rates have also been going down. The morning after pill which only cost $8 is one of the reasons however this is a type of abortion but difficult to get data on. I bring all this to your attention, because it is helpful if people who have strong opinions on different subjects make themselves aware of the statistics because often there is misinformation which reinforces false claims.

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