Wednesday, March 7, 2018


In the past I have mentioned that I have a unique perspective as a sub teacher in that I go to all different types of classrooms and observe the different ways that teachers handle their classes. One of the things I have noticed is the lack of consistency in classroom rules and behavior. Some teachers say no smart phones while others allow them during free time. Some teachers allow food and drink in the class while others do not. Some permit working with other students which includes talking and other teachers prefer no talking. In some classes students leave their seats and in others they are told to remain seated. Some have assigned seats and some sit where they please. One common thing I observe is the student, almost always a male, who gets up from his seat to sharpen a pencil, to spit out his gum in the garbage can, or to through away a piece of crumpled up paper or get a book to read and each time he leaves his seat he will hit another student or knock someones papers or book on the floor. The teacher spends an inordinate amount of time telling this student to stay in his seat or to stop talking or to quit throwing things and other disruptive activities. These are the things I observe when I am team teaching. That means I am in a room with a teacher just to help out and I spend a lot of time watching how the teacher handles disruptions. Teachers are limited in the ways they have to deal with these students. One example was when I went through orientation I was told that if I ask a student to do something and they refuse I should walk away and come back later and ask them again. I was not told how many times I was to do this. One thing that is true for all classes is that it is easier to deal with girls than boys and knowingly or not teachers prefer girls. This is most evident in middle school but also is the case in high school. In the teachers lunch room 75% of the conversation is about student behavior.

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