Thursday, March 29, 2018


Pedro is one of ten men who paid a coyote $100 to sneak him across the southern border. He works his way to San Diego and if a few months he is arrested for some minor crime. The feds hear about it but before they get there the local authorities release him. The Feds then spend a couple of weeks finding him and deport him through the expedited removal process. He is put on a plane and flown to Central American. This process in only allowed if the person is caught within 100 miles of the border. In a short time Pedro sneaks back into the country and this time works his way up to San Francisco. He is once again arrested and released before the feds get there and they find him and put him detention. Since his is not near the border the Feds cannot use the expedited process so he starts the more formal deportation process. ICE gives notice for Pedro to appears in court in 10 days but he does not show so they go and find him and hold him for his court date. The judge sets bond and Pedro is released and he disappears. If the judge decides not to set bond Pedro remains in jail until the trial date. The court says Pedro must be deported but he can appeal within 30 days. The judge decides to keep Pedro in jail until the appeal. Pedro loses the appeal and his put on a plane and flown to his home in Nicaragua. A few months later and Pedro is back in the US and the whole process starts over. This my friends is our government at work. Trump wants to expand the expedited system beyond the 100 mile limit to include anyone inside the country.

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