Saturday, July 28, 2018


A commentator on the news yesterday asked why Secretary Pompao was trying to encourage the people of Iran to revolt when he is upset over Russia's interference in our election. He doesn't seem to remember about the way the United States interfered with countries during the cold war. We installed and uninstalled leaders around the world, some of whom were dictators. Recall places like the Dominican Republic, Chili, El Salvador, Viet Nam, Cuba and many more. Remember our Secretary to the United Nations Jean Kirkpatrick who said he may be a dictator but he is our dictator. When people expressed surprise that Russia was trying to interfere in our elections, it reminded me of the people who were surprised to find out that Hollywood moguls like Harvey Weinstein would take advantage of upcoming starlets. Let's not forget how the US used the stuxnet virus to attack the Iranian nuke program and later it was used against the North Korean nuke program. Spying and high tech attacks are part of the world we live in.

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