Wednesday, July 25, 2018


The news each day is about various forms of unrest around the country and many feel this is a sign of the end of our kind of government but these are young people who never lived through the 60's. It was a time when protesters marched through the streets on a daily basis and it went on for years. Students at Kent State were killed by national guard soldiers, reporters like Dan Rather were beaten by Chicago police, two Kennedy's and Martin King were assassinated, young men were burning their draft cards and moving to Canada. Civil law broke down in a150 large cities across the country and race riots destroyed property and in one city, Detroit, and it one riot 43 people were killed, 5,000 arrested and 1,000 buildings burned. Much of today's activity is centered around insults throughout social media and often times by elected officials who publicly attack other officials. This type of behavior while boorish and infantile is a far cry from the physical violence that took place in the 60's. Let's hope that all of this doesn't escalate.

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