Friday, October 26, 2018

Foreign aid

President Trump has threatened to cut off funds to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador but the question is does he have the authority. Experts say no. Should he? Most of the money goes to a few wealthy people and some trickles down to help the poor in hospitals and schools. There are 30 million people in those three countries and the aid is $180 million dollars or $5 per year per person. If all of that money was evenly distributed they would not miss it even if it stopped. Many feel that sending money to these countries just contributes to the corruption. This is typical of what happens when the US sends money to third world countries. Did someone in our government really believe that $5 per year per person was going to make a difference in the lives of everyday people or did they know in advance it was money for the rich? Where does all this corruption begin and end?

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