Monday, October 15, 2018

Trump change

Donald Trump is an amazing person both in a good way and a bad way. He is constantly opposed by bureaucrats who dislike change and fear for their jobs, never Trumper republicans who dislike his tweets, democrats who are beside themselves with anger for having lost the election and the national press who predicted a Hilary victory. No matter what the criticism is or where it comes from he is a counter puncher and is usually faulted for fighting back. Through it all he seems to enjoy being president and never stops. He is like the energizer bunny. He just keeps going. He is changing government for better or for worse but people don't like change and they are fighting back to maintain the status quo. If there is one phrase that best describes the Trump Presidency it is, he is not presidential. His enemies knew that during the campaign but it didn't concern them because they assumed he would never be elected. In fact early on they enjoyed the ratings bump.

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