Wednesday, February 20, 2019


In case you missed it, the new word for the 2020 elections is intersectionality. It is so new spell check does not recognize it. It is the antithesis of Martin Luther King's concept of judging a person based on their character. It is why Bernie Sanders is considered a loser. He is an old white guy and I personally object to this characterization. It means you have the best chance of getting the democratic nomination if you are a minority woman. It helps if your platform emphasizes discrimination in income, opportunity, gender, race, religion and even zip code. Your campaign will point out all of the inequalities that exist in America and how you will correct these problems using income redistribution. Here's the well known quote from Benjamin Franklin: "When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” It may not work out this way at all but we will find out.

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