Sunday, June 30, 2019

New jobs

I just finished listening to Bernie Sanders and he said something that I agree with. He said the $15 minimum wages is not good enough. What is needed are jobs that pay a living wage but he did no say how to create these jobs. I googled democratic candidates plans for job creation and nothing comes up. Some propose government money to finance infrastructure but that is just like having the government pony up for jobs. Others suggest replacing fossil fuels with wind and solar but that is just replacing one job with another. How about growing the economy and allowing the private sector to create new jobs. Why hasn't one of them suggested that and if they have I was not able to find it. A year ago Bernie suggested government jobs. Sen. Bernie Sanders is set to announce a plan that guarantees every American "who wants or needs one" a lifetime government job paying at least $15 an hour, with health insurance and other perks.

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