Saturday, June 1, 2019

Toxic male

Toxic masculinity is a phrase currently in vogue used to describe the violent behavior by the male of our species. Many reasons are given for this but one that is only infrequently mentioned is the natural instincts of humans. Humans are part of the animal kingdom but have been transformed by becoming civilized. The basics of self preservation and procreation have remained but are restricted by rules not originally part of human nature. In many animals the male is required to physically fight other males to have access to females. To fight for females is part of the nature of the animal. Males are territorial and they fight for their space. As the species became domesticated the basic instinct of the male was required to change. The physical fight is replaced by a courtroom and even a mans desire to protect his family is replaced by the police department. The urge to mate with many is now forbidden and men must be monogamous. The modern male must assume duties of child care which was reserved for the female in the animal world. While these changes have benefited the human race overall they require a new approach to life. It takes many years to change animal instinct and while progress has been made there is still much left to do.

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