Friday, January 31, 2020

Bloomberg and the DNC

There have been a number of reasons given why Hilary Clinton lost the 2016 election and one of those has to do with the way the Democratic National Committee seemed to discriminate against Bernie Sanders. This caused a number of Sanders supporters to stay home and some say a few even voted for Trump. The same thing appears to be happening again. The DNC which is controlled by the establishment is once again concerned about Sanders. They do not think he represents the party and they are not happy with Biden or Warren so they find themselves in a quandary. They seem to be looking for another candidate and today they changed the procedure to allow Bloomberg to get on the stage in the next debate. They removed the requirement that candidates must have a minimum number of donors. If this is indeed what is going on behind the scenes, then the DNC is willing to accept a billionaire as their standard bearer.

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