Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Candidates today

As the democratic candidates zero in on Iowa, one thing is on their minds and that is defeating Trump. This is great for their campaign because it units them and allows them to avoid talking about the issues. They feel that Trump is wrong on most things and that they will be the ones to correct his errors and get the country back on track or back to the way things were before Trump, the way things would be today if Hilary had been elected. While establishment figures long for the good old days before Trump many voters like the direction Trump is taking the country, especially low and middle income people. Not only do these potential voters like the new economy, they have doubts about the promises offered by some of the candidates, things like government healthcare, free college and paying off college debt. The old battle plan of using diversity politics has lost some of its glamour. Name calling like racist, misogynist, homophobic and xenophobic no longer have the same power. They must keep the emphasis on Trump's style and personal proclivities to gain traction. Issues must take a back seat.

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