Saturday, June 22, 2024


Abortion will be an issue in the upcoming election and it is time to take a deep dive into the issue. First off scientist agree that life begins at conception so an abortion is ending a life. The distinction is in the name. In abortions the life is called a fetus. Only about 12% of abortions are performed for medical reasons while 80% fall into two categories. Either the mother is not emotionally ready or the mother is not financially ready. Abortion is also race based since Black women only represent 7% of the population and they have 34% of the abortions. The same can be said for Hispanic women who represent 10% of the population and have 26% of the abortions. Since 1973 there have been 64 million known abortions and 27 million have been to Black women. During the entire slave period only 4 million slaves were brought to the United State. These slaves came from West Central Africa where today half live in poverty and people are mostly landless, and suffer from exploitation. Were it not for the slave trade there would be very few Black Americans. The number of abortions per capita has been declining. In 1980 the rate was one abortion for each 78 women and last year is was one for each 176 women. In addition 63 percent of abortions were by using oral medicine last year. These trends are expected to continue and someday in the future almost all abortions will be a private affair in the women's home. The issue will be like old generals. The don't die they just fade away.

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