Sunday, June 30, 2024


The Biden administration is committed to the New Green Deal which means they believe the answer to Climate Change is wind, solar and EV's. They, much like the national press, seem unaware of the environmental hazards posed by the mining, processing and disposing of the materials needed for the Green Deal. Trump on the other hand understands that nuclear is the safe long term solution. During Trump's term he asked his Energy Secretary, Dan Brouillette, to assemble a nuclear energy working group to find ways to expand the US nuclear industry and in January 2019 Trump signed the Bipartisan Nuclear Energy Law. Most people are not aware of this because the press seemed uninterested. The special interest groups still hold the power to down play nuclear but that is slowly changing and as more information comes forth, the advantages of nuclear will become more apparent. A second Trump administration would certainly help to take the politics out of climate change and move the country and the world toward nuclear.

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