Thursday, July 7, 2011


When guns are captured from criminals in Mexico they are examined and if it appears they might be from the US they are sent back to the US. Upon examining these returned guns it appeared that nine out of ten were made in the US. Using this information Hilary Clinton said:

EXCLUSIVE: You've heard this shocking "fact" before -- on TV and radio, in newspapers, on the Internet and from the highest politicians in the land: 90 percent of the weapons used to commit crimes in Mexico come from the United States.

-- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it to reporters on a flight to Mexico City.

Later when more facts were available and all guns were checked the number that came from the US was 17%. By that time Hilary had made the argument that the drug problem was just as much the fault of the US as it was the fault of Mexico.

Shortly after that the AFT decided to send US made guns to Mexico hoping to keep track of these guns and lead them to the criminals. The operation was called Fast and Furious and some 2,500 guns were sent into Mexico. Unfortunately the government lost track of the guns and one of them was used to kill a border patrol agents.

There was an attempted cover up and it looks like the head of the ATF will lose his job.

Up to this point what I have stated is factual. Now I will move into speculation. Some people who are biased against Hilary suggest that she encouraged this operation in order to back up her claim that many guns come from the US. We will see how this evolves over the next few weeks. Some have suggested that if the economy continues to trend downward and Obama looks vulnerable that Hilary might challenge him for the nomination in 2012. These same people think that if it looks like Hilary might consider this the Obama administration will leak that it was Hilary who encourage the ATF to move these guns into Mexico. Is this dirty politics or what?

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