Thursday, July 7, 2011

Obama book

I have just finished reading a book about Obama and I highly recommend it. The title is “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” by Dinesh D’Souza. In it he points out with examples that Obama is driven by anti-colonialism as was his father. The writer notes that the name of Obama’s book was Dreams From My Father not Dreams Of My Father. His father was a misguided soul who suffered from alcoholism and died in a drunken driving accident. He only met his father one time when he was ten years old so he romanticized the man. His father lived in Kenya at the time the British were leaving and Kenya was seeking independence. Obama thus sees all western countries including the US as former colonizers. He has a concern for third world countries and in particular those in Africa.

He felt it OK to turn the world and apologize for Americas past behavior. He would like to see the US be more on a par with other countries and does not understand American Exceptionalism

On a slightly different subject and a bit of irony the fed policy under Obama of increasing the money supply has caused the price of commodities like food to double and triple in price thus leading to great hardship in the third world, the place he supposedly

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