Thursday, July 7, 2011


Last April the US picked up a suspected terrorist off the coast of Somalia and held him of a US Naval vessel for two months during which time they interrogated him. Then they shipped him to the United States and turned him over to the FBI who promptly read him his Miranda rights. I think it was a little late for that but now they say he is going to be tried in civil court. Last year the congress passed a law stating that no one could be sent to the US from Gitmo and tried here in civil court so this was Obama’s way to get around this law. Having witnessed this little tactic the congress will now broaden the law to include terrorist coming to the country from anywhere.

I believe that if you question someone for two months with no lawyer present and then read them their rights and take them to court you should have a slam dunk case and my guess is that is just what Attny Gen Eric Holder wanted. This whole thing looks like a sham and makes a mockery of the Miranda Act.

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