Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ryan Plan

The Ryan budget plan, approved by all Republicans and Romney, reforms entitlements that are the major causes of our debt. The President, on the other hand is talking about the Buffett Plan which will bring in 4 billion a year and removing oil company subsidies which will bring in another 4 billion for a total saving of 8 billion, to attack the 1,300 billion deficit. The President, of course is winning this debate because for too many people, the debt and the deficit are just words. Down the road when these problems explode these same people will be asking why someone didn’t do something about this. Many experts say the Ryan plan has come too late. They say we have already become an entitlement society and there is no going back. This election is supposed to be the opportunity for the voters to signal a change in direction but instead of voting on the important issues many will be voting on personality in which case Obama wins hands down over Romney.

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