Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ten amendments

The first ten amendments to the constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, were designed to limit the power of the federal government, as the founders were so adversely influenced by the power of the king, that they wanted to do everything they could to limit power. FDR did not like those limitations and wanted a second bill of rights that would allow government more power. The Supreme Court would not go along with him and this so frustrated him that he tried to change the court. He didn’t have time to pass an amendment to the constitution so he tried to pass a law that said every justice over age 70 had to retire and he wanted to increase the number of justices from nine to fifteen. I point all this out in order to show the extremes he was willing to go to get this change. President Obama is also upset with how the constitution limits the power of the federal government and he has appointed Tsars to work around the congress using agencies like EPA to increase the power of the central government. As an aside, Google A-Z Government Agencies and it will blow your mind. The Supreme Court is currently deciding whether the government can force people to buy health insurance and this is another challenge to the power of the central government.

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