Sunday, October 27, 2013

Obama plan

There are 51 Democrats, 47 Republicans and 2 Independents in the current US Senate. Senator Cruz in his attempt to stop Obamacare got the House of Representatives to vote against it and proceeded to get the Senate to do the same. He needed all of the Republicans, the two Independents and 1 Democrat to vote with him. He gave a 21 hour speech and got the nation fired up to back his attempt to stop Obamacare. He gave the impression, apparently believed by many, that this could be done. He failed to get any Democrats or Independents and not even all the Republicans to vote with him. You might wonder why the Republicans, none of whom voted for Obamacare in the first place would fail to back him. The answer is that they understand how the constitution works, something many Americans do not. The President had said on many occasions that if the Senate passed the bill he would veto it. To override the veto requires that 67 Senators vote to override and everyone who understood the rule knew that this was not going to happen. I would really like to know what Senator Cruz was trying to accomplish. President Obama knows the Democrats will not take back the house in 2014 and so he will have to fight them to pass any of his programs or be a lame duck for the next three years. His plan is to split the Republicans and use the divide and conquer approach and Senator Cruz helped. Obama’s next move is to bring up immigration reform which will further divide the Republicans. I can only assume that these Republicans are only doing what we always ask our politicians to do and that is to stand by your principles and forget about getting elected.

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