Sunday, October 27, 2013

The next Obamacare problem

According to the news people the big problem with Obamacare is signing up but they are mistaken. That is the current problem but in time it will be overcome and then comes the BIG problem. As a financial planner I took many home study courses and they lasted 18 weeks. You would study one section each week and at the end of the semester you would go to the local university and take a two hour written exam. You were told you must use all of the technical terms in order to pass and when it was over you were advised never to use those terms again. The reasons for this became clear when I started sitting across the table from mom and dad explaining insurance. Even the basic terms like premium, co-pay, deductible, stop loss, co-insurer, out of pocket and preferred provider caused no end of consternation. The first group to sign up will be those who are uninsured which means they have likely never seen these terms before. They will be asked to select from dozens of different plans and after reading through a page of one plan they will through up their hands in frustration. The first thing that most people told me was that they don’t know much about insurance and they said it in a tone that led me to believe that they didn’t want to know. This will be further complicated by some people qualifying for subsidies and what they get may depend on the kind of plan.

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